Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas time makes one ponder...

So in the last six months or so things have certainly changed, been revisited, and progress, inevitable progress has been made. I am 35 days to my due date, 6 sleeps to Christmas and so much more settled than we were in the summer. Things are better now. Things are coming together. We have decided to stay in Saskatchewan and turn this place into... something. I will post about our progress and let you all know of our failures and victories
A few things we are looking into are:
Housing chickens and (ugh..) butchering them ourselves.
Growing a garden that proves to be cost effective.
Lowering our bills
Getting completely out of debt (luckily we aren't that far in.. but we have a ton of unfinished business on our house)
Will post again soon.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How much is land worth!

So it would seem that anywhere you look a decent or not so decent homested is in the area of 450,000 CDN. Thats crazy! A property 5kms from here on 6acres is asking 469,000. Thats... laughable. they obviously think they live somewhere nice.. thats a hard sell! Anything on Vancouver Island is... well a little out of our range. 

The "ideal" would be off the island but near the ferry on an acerage 10 acres or more with whatever kind of house (we can build) for around.... ready to laugh 100,000 as long as its serviced. Hmm... now that i read that its pretty specific. 

I want the kids to be able to swim in the ocean, fish, and be off the island so Dan can get to and from work without the added hassle of ferries, fog, and planes. Maybe in the Kamloops area? Creston, Hope, or such... There are tons of properties but with there beautiful 80s houses they are asking 500k+ just crazy the mortgage payment on that is like 4200.00 a month WHO CAN AFFORD THAT! 

So please feel free to keep an eye out for us. I am sooooo done with southern Saskatchewan. Its cold and through the whole winter you just keep looking forward to spring and summer... Then in JUNE when it gets here you have to strip search the kids for ticks on a daily basis, fight off flies and mosquitos. the Thunderstorms, all 5 kids and mum in a queensize bed in 30 degree heat. So much FUN!, 2 openable windows of the 15 in our house (argh....) , and I have to say I am looking forward to winter because then at least there are no bugs and its controllable. WHAT! ..... I am "LOOKING FORWARD" to WINTER!!! I think I have finally lost it.. or its just time to depart... I have booked my heart and mind in for one more nasty winter but as soon as the snow melts off those west bound highways and we can pack the enormous truck we will need to move without freezing to the furniture as we move it, WE ARE WEST BOUND! I will rent until we find something and hopefully our place sells quick. We wont be asking a jaw dropping 450k of course a more likely and quick sale price will be settled upon. But thats the plan. 

We have a few things to do until then:
Finish the exterior insulation and siding. (Glad your coming to visit this summer uncle jimmy)
Get a vehicle that will hold us all... hmm.... econoline ( 2 carseats, 3 boosters, Nate, me, dad, and gramma, and gonzo and polly.... hmmmm...... anyone wanna travel with us? I'm sure we can make room!
Have a baby due January 25th. 
Pack... it makes me light headed thinking about it.  oh my we will need a very large truck indeed. 

So please keep your eye out and if you hear of anything NOT in prince George or so far from anything that we couldn't get to a hospital if we needed too. Please let us know. We are looking.

Much love to my peeps,

The new blog.

So we cancelled our typepad account because it was costing us some money and we weren't really using it. To be totally honest I an a lot less literate of the computer than I thought I was. I was afraid to change things on the blog because other things would dissapear. So here we are with the hopes that blogger will suit us better and that I will use it more. :) The free part helps to... I am a good friend of free. And so with out further ado our blog. Now an intro for those who don't know the crew.

Papa Bear, 30 ish.... hubba hubba.... workin' man

Mum, formerly known as Cat, 27 (I think....) My body isn't really shaped like that. I just thought i'd put that in there.

Here is the youngest as of yet James, 8 months.

From Left to Right we have Jacob, 4, Catherine, 3, Nathan, 9 (10 next month), and Grace, 6. 

So mum, daddeo, and five, going on six kidlets. Somewhere in the middle ish of the Canadian Prairies on a quest back to BC. Sounds exciting..... If only the morning sickness would give a little...

Will post again soon
